Wednesday 2 December 2015

PRODUCTION: Filming (Day 1: Richmond)

Range of cameras/ lenses 


One camera filming our model (during filming), a second camera filmed the time lapses in 2 different areas of richmond to film movement of things like clouds and trees for 20 minutes, then the third camera was used of take stills of the model to be used for our print products. this was an effective system when filming as it made sure that when it came to editing all of our footage and stills were not mixed together, making the editing process far more efficient. Stacio (group member) proved to be a crucial part of the group on the day, providing the third camera, a range of lenses to use, e.g. ones that were better for close ups, distance shots and stills, and he also provided a knowledge base on which lenses to use as he is a photography student.

Stills for Print Products


Stills for  inside covers

Here we were able to take stills to be used in the print products for our which included shots of the actor himself with the background (with trees an sky) faded and the shots focused on the character. In addition to this Stacio took stills of the props used within the video (penny board and backpack) to be used on the inside covers of the digipak, using a range of lenses he owned personally to provide higher quality photographs with better focus on objects within a frame.

 Actual filming  - Movement 

 The majority of our music video is going to be tracking shots of the character, therore the majority of the filming during this day was tracking, whilst the other cameras filmed establishing shots and took stills. Thus simply involved following Matt (actor) throughout different locations for about 10 seconds or more each time, this provided us with a lot of footage so that we weren't limited on things to work with when editing.

Range of locations

We filmed our actor walking around Richmond hill giving us a range of locations within our shots, stopping a total of 3 times to shoot some stills for our print product. It was important to not only shoot in one specific location as it gave us a range of shots to work with especially when it came to the stills because we had a variety to choose from so we weren't limited if a set of pictures didn't look right on the digipak for example. in terms of the actual footage, the range of locations helped to convey the progression of the story and show the character going about his day.

By 1:30 the sun had finally come out after a grey morning with a bit of rain. This provided far more natural lighting which was convenient when filming close-ups (as shown in image 12) 

Time lapse: We used one of the cameras to film several videos of locations (e.g. onlooking fields, the sky and buildings) for around 10-20 minutes each. these were to later be used for time lapses in the music video. A problem that occurred  during filming is that we did not have a tripod, therefore we made our own using a penny-board and a camera bag which surpassingly proved to be effective. We have learnt from this mistake and for future days of filming we will always bring at least one tripod for each camera we have.

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